Wills & Estates
Areas Of
Wills & Estates
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Wills & Estate Planning Adelaide
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Estate Planning
It is important that you meet with a lawyer when preparing your Will so that the bigger picture can be looked at and to ensure that your wishes stand the best chance of being carried out successfully. Often our clients have a good idea as to exactly what they want to happen after they have passed away, but have not considered some of the situations and scenarios that might frustrate those wishes. We have met lots of clients over the years who, when we suggest a possible future scenario (for instance bankruptcy of a child or the remarriage of their spouse for instance – both situations which could greatly affect the ability of the Will to do what you want), our clients say ‘Oh I didn’t think of that!’
Things like life insurance, superannuation, and succession plans for businesses and family trusts all need to be taken into account in drafting your Will. When these other issues are taken into account the process is called “Estate Planning”. A proper estate plan can have significant financial and taxation benefits for your beneficiaries. Similarly, if you fail to have a proper estate plan you could cost your beneficiaries financially which would never be your intention.
Social Media and your Will
As well as the bigger picture, there are a myriad of small details that most people fail to consider. For instance what happens to your social media sites after your death. What about images of you that may be publicly available. What happens to your Facebook, Linked in, Twitter or other online sites that you may subscribe to? We can talk you through how best to deal with all of those things. We are one of the few law firms pro actively dealing with these things in the Wills we prepare for our clients. It seems to us that social media is such an important part of everyone’s lives it would be silly to not deal with it in a document as important as your Will.